April 2017
Many Infallible Proofs!
Werner Gitt is a renowned information scientist and a pioneer in the field of information science. In his brochure, “and He DOES exist!”, he uses two lines of evidence as proofs that God exists:
1. The proof of the existence of God taken from the natural law of information – Based on the natural laws about information, we know that the huge amounts of information in the cells of all animate beings demand an intelligent originator.
2. The prophetic-mathematical proof of the existence of God – The Bible contains more than 3,000 prophetic sayings (prophecies) which have already been fulfilled.
The Word of God says that a three-fold strand is not easily broken, and I want to add the third strand by quoting Luke and sharing the powerful testimony of Simon Greenleaf. Luke wrote to Theophilus: “The former account I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, until the day in which He was taken up, after He through the Holy Spirit had given commandments to the apostles whom He had chosen, to whom He also presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.”
Acts 1:1-3 (NKJV).
3. Therefore, the third strand is the overwhelming evidence that Jesus Christ arose from the dead!
A Convincing Testimony by
a Powerful Authority
Do you know who Simon Greenleaf was? He was the head of the law department at Harvard and the professor who wrote a three volume set on how to gather and evaluate evidence. His set became the world-wide standard for training lawyers and judges. He was the man who knew more about how to evaluate evidence than any other individual. One day in the early 1800’s a student asked him, “Professor Greenleaf, do you believe Jesus Christ arose from the dead?” Because of his worldview bias that Jesus did not rise from the dead, he said, “No.” Then the student had the audacity to ask, “Professor – have you examined the evidence?” This left him embarrassed before the entire class because he had often told his students, “Never make any important decision without examining the evidence.” – And he had not examined the evidence! Simon Greenleaf began an intense study of the evidence originally to prove he was right, but was converted to Christ by the clarity of historical evidence. He wrote a book on the evidence for the resurrection of Christ and said that any honest jury would have to say that Jesus Christ arose from the dead. He also wrote that the four evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were totally accurate in all their historical references and that their writings are valid historical documents. If you look up Simon Greenleaf on the internet, you can read for yourself what he wrote about the four gospel writers. It’s hard to wade through because of the technical terms and verbiage style of the 1800’s, but I’ve done it. His testimony is powerful – and irrefutable! The question is: What will you do with this evidence? With Jesus? Today He is our Savior. One day He will be our Judge. Do you want Him as your Savior – both now and then? He has left the choice with you. I hope you choose wisely. And I pray that you also become a bold witness for Jesus!
There are many examples of atheists, agnostics, (and other categories of doubters in the Bible and Jesus Christ as Lord) who have been converted to zealous proponents of Biblical truth by the weight of evidence. Most of them set out to disprove the Bible and Christ, then reluctantly admitted the truth, then in the joy of forgiveness and peace, began broadcasting the truth far and wide. Prominent examples are Sir William Ramsey, C.S. Lewis, Josh McDowell, Frank Morrison, and Lee Strobel. (In his book, Surprised by Joy, C.S. Lewis even claimed to be the most reluctant convert in all England.) British evangelist, Jay John says that the quickest route to meet Jesus is to set out to write a book to disprove Him! He also says, “I am a Christian because it is true!” and “I am a Christian because I need forgiveness!” Can you think of better reasons to be a Christian? Have you come home to Jesus? The hour is late – but His arms and His invitation are still open. “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 (NKJV).
If you have already put your trust in Jesus and submitted to the call in Acts 2:38 – are you casting all your cares on Him? Peter said to those seeking grace and forgiveness: “Repent and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins: and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
Peter wrote to those needing grace and peace: “…God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble. Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” I Peter 5:5-7 (NKJV).
“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, To God our Savior, Who alone is wise. Be glory and majesty, Dominion and power, Both now and forever. Amen.” Jude 24 & 25 (NKJV).
Review of “Is Genesis History?”
I am very pleased – and even excited – about Del Tackett’s documentary movie, “Is Genesis History?” Why? Here are my reasons:
1. It is the perfect follow-up for Del Tackett’s outstanding DVD teaching series, “The Truth Project” – which has been viewed by millions.
2. Del Tackett did not ignore the monumental research work done by high quality, well- documented creation scientists who follow in the footsteps of the pioneers of the twentieth century founders of the Biblical creationist movement: John C. Whitcomb, Jr. and Henry M. Morris (co-authors of The Genesis Flood, first published February 1961).
3. Del Tackett interviewed scientists from various branches of science – such as geology, astronomy, oceanography – and picked well-known and widely-respected creation scientists from three of the best-known creation ministries both nationally and internationally.
4. Del Tackett himself is well known and highly respected for his scholarship and effective teaching style – plus as a former co-worker with James Dobson – his influence is expanding exponentially. This is especially true because James Dobson interviewed Del for two Family Talk programs. Dr. Dobson gave his enthusiastic endorsement to Del’s movie and joined him in stressing how vital it is to the gospel to emphasize that the book of Genesis is actual, literal history. Praise God! It appears to me that Dr. Dobson has grown greatly in his understanding of Biblical creationism since his former years of interviewing Hugh Ross and endorsing his deviations from Biblical truth in favor of the evolutionary philosophy of billions of years, etc. To God be the glory!
Good News
This excellent documentary/movie is now available on DVD – from the producer, Creation Ministries International. You can check out CMI at www.creation.com or call them at 1-800-616-1264, Ext. 501.
“This is so Bus-gusting!”
Recently our 5-year-old granddaughter, Trinity Hope, blurted out: “This is so bus-gusting!” referring to some red peppers in something we were eating. I asked her if she meant “disgusting.” She told me, “No!” So I asked here were she learned that word – “bus-gusting”. She replied, “I learned that from myself!”
This exchange of information was not only good for another laugh (she is quite entertaining much of the time), but it started me wondering if there are now enough Americans (especially Christian Americans), who are so fed up with the pervasive, putrid pornography, and “politically-correct” propaganda that they are ready to explode: “This is so bus-gusting!” Even more – are they willing to do something about it? “But what can I do?” you may ask. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Ask owners and managers of stores to eliminate the pornography from their shelves.
2. Choose not to do business with internet companies that are peddling porn – especially Backpage.com (which is also participating big-time in human trafficking, especially underage girls. See the March issue of “Citizen” magazine for more confirmation).
3. Write to your congressmen and other authorities to enforce existing laws against obscenity, child porn, etc.
4. Participate in the boycott of Target, whose CEO still stubbornly insists on enforcing the so-called transgender bill, which leaves women and girls vulnerable to any male pervert who claims to feel like a woman, so he can freely enter women’s restrooms, shower rooms, etc. to oogle at the women and girls or attack them. (There are many documented cases of such activity following the Obama mandate.)
5. Most importantly, pray for the non-Christians in your circle of influence – then boldly and compassionately share the gospel of Christ with them. If you are not clear about what the gospel is or how to share it, study and pray over these passages of Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Colossians 1:13-23 and Colossians 4:2-6.
Out of the Mouths of Babes
Sometimes we can learn a lot from the candid comments from the mouth of a child, but we won’t hear them if we are never around children. I heard, “This is so bus-gusting!” while we were taking care of Trinity while her parents (our daughter, Sandy, and son-in-law, David), were being inspired and enriched at a recent “Weekend to Remember” presented in Boise by Family Life Today.
Recently I also heard on one of the Christian radio programs, “Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work!” It’s so easy in our busy lives to get distracted from the most important work. (Oops! I better leave my desk to read to Trinity, play a game with her, or give her a horseback ride!)
Prayer Requests for Planet Earth Creation Center
From Alex Zhuk in Lviv, Ukraine forwarded to us by Stas Atanov
“Ukraine has the potential to be a great harvest when we are talking about spreading the news of Creation. Many people do not know what creationism is, and those who do – they know just a little. This is why people are easily interested in the “Planet Earth” Creation Center. We are in the beginning of being eyewitnesses to amazing events that will happen. Recently, the Municipal Administration of our city ran an event called “Professions Fair,” where the Creation Center took part, and we were able to identify a great need that is not being fulfilled for our teenagers and youth. There are a lot of young people in our city, just as in all of Ukraine, who are interested in paleontology and fossils. The event turned out to be a huge success and showed that there is a huge demand in obtaining the skills to grow and develop interest in Creationism. There are sadly no clubs, groups, or any other specific activities to meet these needs that are present. Our center presented the paleontologist profession at this fair which featured samples from our collection and we trained the visitors on excavating through hands-on activities. Both the parents and their children showed great interest in learning and we had fun teaching them. We also shared testimonies about our fieldtrips to excavations. Through this event we received 140 applications from the youth who signed up for paleo fieldtrips. Now we have a need that is a pleasant one. The youth’s open heart and readiness is evidence to us that now is the proper time for us to make an impact and influence on this young generation with a Biblical worldview and Christian values.”
Request #1. Bus for Fieldtrips.
Everyone in our Creation Center is asking for your help with fundraising. We plan on purchasing a mini-bus for group tours. This will allow teenagers to hunt for fossils and get to know about the Creator and His Creation. We received recommendations from different experienced drivers about a particular reliable model: a 2005 Mercedes-Benz Sprinter 316 model, 2.7 diesel. The base of the vehicle is longer which can hold camping equipment and fossil samples. These mini-buses are better quality than others on the market because they are less loaded with different electronic components and parts are easily sourced for maintenance. The non-corrosive bottom is very important for our trips because it can withstand the elements.
The price for this type of vehicle ranges from $10,000 to $12,000 US dollars. We have considered leasing, but it would be more price-efficient to own the vehicle due to the limitations of lease contracts and the restrictions they come with, such as repair costs from traveling on unpaved roads.
Request #2. Dinosaur Skull Model
We also have another need for the Creation Center. As you know, dinosaur models are not available in Ukraine. I remember you (Stas – who goes by Stan in America) sent us a picture where you are standing next to a nice model of the Allasaurus skull. You told us that OMSI has one. We would like to get one like this for the “Planet Earth” Creation Center. Can you help us buy and obtain one like that also?
Thank you very much for your involvement and everything you have already done for us!
Love and respect from Alex and the team.”
Note: Perhaps our friend, Stan Lutz, can help with advice on Request #2 – and perhaps even go there to help if we can raise the funds. Stan is our field paleontologist and museum curator for NWSM – and an expert in building dinosaur models.
Insights from Sergei Golovin
To enhance the importance of the prayer requests for Planet Earth Creation Center in Lviv, I want to share a portion of Sergei’s November Report.
“The way to Subcarpathia goes through Lviv. In a given political situation, Lviv, the most western big city of Ukraine, is becoming a great center of church impact on the post-communist part of the world through both civil society development and evangelism. Therefore, we did not want to miss an opportunity to make a follow-up landing party at that amazing city. The core event was teaching a doctorate course on apologetics relative to Biblical strategy for evangelism for ministers of the region. That was a very honoring and humbling experience to teach a great cohort of top level leaders, who have much more spiritual and practical experience of walking in Christ! Therefore, presentations of the case studies they were doing as a group assignment were the part of the course we enjoyed the most. It allowed us to learn from them a lot. Being there, we could not miss an opportunity to have follow-up meetings with the most active ministries to the younger part of the Body. This time we provided seminars on Biblical foundation for science for the Fellowship of Evangelical Students team and delivered Growth for the Kingdom message to the city youth ministry group. Fellowship with those who are going to spread the message after us is a great joy always! Please join our prayers for these Marks and Timothys, who from their youth are committed to share the love of Jesus….
It was a great joy and privilege for us to make a small influence a year ago on forming a new grass roots movement – International Association for Christian Education Development. Now it involves many teachers of Christian and public schools of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and Baltic Countries, and provides training on Biblical foundations for education and practical issues Christian teachers face, especially in public school context. At the fall IACED session we have provided a series of Genesis 1 – 3 based seminars on Biblical worldview foundations and its development in students. Please join our prayers for all these workers of the Kingdom and for the impact they are doing for the Kingdom’s sake on the next generations in our part of the world!
Please keep praying for our ministry, for our team, for our families, for God’s guidance and protection in everything we do. You are in our prayers as well.
Yours in the love and grace of Christ Jesus, Sergei”
(Note: Please do pray for God’s healing touch for Sergei. He has already had four surgeries in the past few months and another one is pending. We are praying for God to heal him completely without a fifth surgery. Would you join us please?
From Our Mailbox
” Yes, I would like to be included in your prayer team. Just send me the emails like you stated and I will put them in my prayer journal for daily prayers.
I thank you very much for your Outreach emails I receive as well as the books you sent. Keep sharing the gospel Rick, as time is of the essence with all that is happening in our world. Even today in London, the terrorist attack that has claimed many lives.
God bless,
Randy” (Sevy)
“Greetings in Christ Jesus, my friend…it would be a blessing to see you this fall.
We continue in prayer for you Rick…your family.
May His will be done.
In His Grace,
Stephen” (Yagilnicky)
“Regarding your latest offering from Overseas Outreach I (Sam) was stunned at the reality of your statement regarding, “more freedom in Ukraine to share in public schools, colleges and universities — as well as in private schools — than [you] have in America.” Wow! Of course that’s sadly true, and I’m sure I knew this, but — Wow! — it didn’t hit me with the impact it deserves until I read your statement.
Love in Jesus,
Carroll and Sam” (Samantha) O’Leary
“Hi for everyone, My name is Lucia Maria. I am from Africa – Mozambique…..and I am now writing to say that I am reading your book with the title, “Is the Bible Without Any Errors?” It is so good and powerful, and I am learning a lot. Thanks for that. May the Lord continue using it to touch souls around the world, and as a Christian I’m enjoying it. If possible, can you send more books in English and Spanish because we have a ministry here. We are worshipping God every day, and I beg if you wish to keep in touch with me. I wanna grow more, because my life is only a miracle of God, and I am surviving by God’s grace. Knowing God is a great gift that I got, and right now I can’t go back to my home country because I ran from persecution and torture.
I hope that my letter finds you in good mood, and I will be waiting for word from you with all my respect and patience. God bless you so much! – Lucia Maria”
Wit & Wisdom from Ed Saunders
(Former classmate of ours at Boise Bible College)
“To be old and wise, you must first be young and stupid.”
“Not only does my mind wander – sometimes it walks off completely.”
“The tongue has no bones, but is strong enough to break a heart.
So be careful with your words.”
(Does this remind you of the potent words from the book of James?)
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God…if anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless. Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and keep oneself unspotted from the world.” James 1:19-20; 26-27 (NKJV).
Another thoughtful poem by Ed Saunders:
Is Jesus There?
“Is Jesus there? When your nights are blue.
When you could cry the whole day through.
When dreams have failed,
When disappointments have prevailed,
Is Jesus there? Is He with you?
Is Jesus there?
When you are glad?
When you can find nothing bad?
When you can find the joy of life the whole day through,
Is Jesus there? Is He with you?
Is Jesus there? Is He with you?
My friend, is He there?
I hope He is and I hope you are true
Is Jesus there? Is He with you?”
An Amazing Report
I recently heard a radio report about the countries where the highest percentage of people report being happy. Strangely, they are also some of the countries that are experiencing the highest percentage of suffering: South Sudan, Haiti, Ukraine!! Perhaps the reason for this remarkable report is that in each of these countries there is a high percentage of Christians who actually believe and live by this verse: “But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” Galatians 6:14 (NKJV)
In the Midst of Your Trials, Consider His Awesome Majesty
“Listen to this, O Job; stand still and consider the wondrous works of God….Do you know the balance of the clouds, those wondrous works of Him who is perfect in knowledge?…..He comes from the north as golden splendor; with God is awesome majesty.” Job 37:14, 16, 22 (NKJV).
One Solitary Life
by Dr. James Allan – 1926
“He was born in an obscure village, the child of a peasant woman.
He grew up in another obscure village where He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty.
He never wrote a book. He never held an office. He never went to college.
He never visited a big city. He never travelled more than 200 miles from the place where He was born.
He did none of the things usually associated with greatness. He had no credentials but Himself.
When He was only thirty-three, His friends ran away. One of them denied Him.
He was turned over to His enemies and went through the mockery of a trial.
He was nailed to a cross between two thieves.
While dying, His executioners gambled for His clothing – the only property He had on earth.
Nineteen wide centuries have come and gone, and today Jesus is the central figure of the human race
and the leader of mankind’s progress.
All the armies that ever marched, all the navies that have ever sailed,
all the parliaments that have ever sat, all the kings that have ever reigned put together,
have not affected the life of mankind on earth as powerfully as that one solitary life.”
Why did Jesus impact history so dramatically? Because He conquered death! Dr. Simon Greenleaf wrote concerning the resurrection of Christ: “It is the most well-attested fact of ancient history.”
Life is worth the living – Because He lives,
Rejoicing in that truth,
Rick & Della