Category: Prayer Letters

Only One, “What If?”!

May 2017 Only One, “What If?”! Do you sometimes feel frustrated with more month than money? Or tempted to depression or despair by your hopeless health, perplexing problems and threatening times? Does Satan sometimes lure you into the maze of…

Many Infallible Proofs

April 2017 Many Infallible Proofs! Werner Gitt is a renowned information scientist and a pioneer in the field of information science. In his brochure, “and He DOES exist!”, he uses two lines of evidence as proofs that God exists: 1.…

Darwin Was Wrong!

February 2017 Darwin Was Wrong! Charles Darwin was dead wrong about so many important truths – yet his dead body lies enshrined in Westminster Chapel and a statue of him has been placed on the stairway of a library and…

Our Awesome God

January 2017 Years ago A. W. Tozer wrote: “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” Wow! That is powerful. We want our new letterhead for our prayer letters to remind…

Upcoming Speaking Appointments

February 5 – Preach “My Awesome God” for both Sunday services at Kimberly Christian Church, Kimberly, Idaho. Also teach a lesson between services entitled, “Monstrous Problems – Awesome God” (an Overview of the Book of Job). Kimberly Christian Church 307…

Safely Home

November 2016 Safely Home Not only is this title appropriate for me to say that I am so very thankful to be safely home after six and a half weeks in Ukraine and Germany and so many miles traveled on…