December 2015 Merry Christmas! Most Richly Blessed I want to wish each of you a “Happy Thanksgiving” every day of the year in accord with the Triangle of Triumph that we shared with you last month. Do you remember? Since…
Category: Prayer Letters
Reflections Concerning America
November 2015 Joyous Homecoming from My Best Mission Trip Ever Below is a copy of the email I sent to our amazing friends and co-workers in the gospel in Ukraine and Germany shortly after I arrived home. When I was…
Opportunities to Share the Word and Love of God
October 2015 Opportunities to Share the Word and Love of God Following are some excerpts of messages I received from Rick since he arrived in Ukraine. 9-18-15 I had a wonderful trip all the way, and God really opened opportunities…
Praise God for His Mighty Power to Redeem and Transform Lives
September 2015 Praise God for His Mighty Power to Redeem and Transform Lives On a beautiful, but hot, Thursday evening in August we gathered at Roy Meyer’s home for a B & B. That does not mean “Bed & Breakfast”…
The Rejuvenation/Renewal/Restoration of Vital, Biblical Christianity
Pertinent Insights on the Reality of Our Times by Ravi Zacharias (RZIM Summer 2015 Issue) “The times in which we live make living out our faith extremely difficult. It would take hours of reflection to make sense of how we…
Summer 2015 Speaking Appointments
Here are my speaking appointments prior to my planned departure for Ukraine on September 17: July 26 – Minnehaha Church of Christ St. Johns Blvd. at 54th St. Vancouver, WA 98663 9:30 a.m. “Bringing Peace to a Country at War…
Pertinent Praise & Prayer Requests
Pertinent Praise & Prayer Requests 1. Concerning Northwest Science Museum. Please join us in praise for a $5,000 offering that came recently from friends of Stan & Bonnie Lutz, who came over from Washington State to see our Vision Center…
Sanctified Dreaming Produces Sanctified Praying (Continued from May Prayer Letter)
June 2015 Sanctified Dreaming Produces Sanctified Praying (Continued from May Prayer Letter) Last month in the first paragraph of our prayer letter I wrote: “The ministries that God has opened to us through many years were birthed in specific answers…
Sanctified Dreaming Produces Sanctified Prayer
May 2015 Sanctified Dreaming Produces Sanctified Praying The title of this brief introductory article to our May Prayer Letter is just as true if I turn the wording around – “Sanctified Praying Produces Sanctified Dreaming”. The ministries that God has…
What Is This about “Four Blood Moons”? Should We be Seriously Concerned?
What Is This About “Four Blood Moons”? Should we be seriously concerned? Last year our friends, Dave and Kathy Organ, gave me a copy of the book Four Blood Moons, by John Hagee, published in 2013. The prophetic background for…