Category: Prayer Letters

More than Conquerors

January 2013 Dear Friends and Prayer Partners, We so much appreciate each of you who read these prayer letters, and especially each one who prays, each one who gives, each one who writes us an encouraging note. As you probably…

November 2012 Insert

24 October 2012 Dear Christian Brothers and Sisters, Dr Carillet tells me that you support the Bible faculty of Commonwealth International University. As one of the faculty, I am one of the recipients of your generous and faithful support. I…

Reflection on the Election

November 2012 Reflection on the Election On November 7th, as I was struggling with deep disappointment and a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, God directed my attention to some passages in the book of Daniel that I…

Let’s Celebrate Answers to Prayer!

September 2012 Let’s Celebrate Answers to Prayer! As a wise Father, God sometimes answers “Yes”, but sometimes He answers, “No”, and sometimes He answers, “Wait”. Should we always celebrate His answers to prayer – even when we don’t understand or…

Father Knows Best

August 2012 God has given us an answer to our prayers for direction. I will not be planning a fall mission trip because not enough funds have come in to Overseas Outreach during July to do that. . I was…

Truth is the new Hate Speech

July 2012 Dear Friends and Prayer Partners, By the time you receive this letter, the barbeques and fireworks celebrations of the Fourth of July will be past, but I hope that your remembrance and appreciation for the founders of this…