Category: Prayer Letters

Gems from Isaiah and Jeremiah

Gems from Isaiah and Jeremiah Dear Friends/Prayer Partners, Since my spring mission trip was the busiest I’ve ever had, since May is a very busy month for many people, and since all of us sometimes struggle with time pressure, I…

Rick in Ukraine

Dear Friends & Prayer Partners, Rick arrived safely in Ukraine, and I was happy to get this message from Sergey Bezvershenko on March 30th: “Do not worry – I met Rick in time, he is OK, luggage is OK. Rick…

The Grinch and the Christmas Wars

December 2011 The Grinch and the Christmas Wars The true story of our most memorable Christmas, which we shared with you last year, took place long before the “politically correct” crowd set out to steal Christ from Christmas and the…

October 2011 Prayer Letter

October 2011 Please Pray Earnestly for Sergei Golovin Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ, We are passing on to you a prayer request from our good friend and co-worker in the gospel, Sergei Golovin, which we received on September 24th.…

August 2011

The Atheists are Coming! Dear Friends & Prayer Partners, On Saturday, July 30th, about 7:30 a.m. Stan Lutz (our Northwest Science Museum director) called me and asked for prayer because the “Free-Thinkers” Club had invited the Atheists of Idaho to…