What Is the Biblical Description of Saving Faith? Several years ago, during a conversation about faith with a man I had never met before, he suddenly said, “Oh, so you are one of those advocates of Lordship salvation that John…
Category: Prayer Letters
What is My Responsibility as an American Citizen?
What Is My Responsibility as an American Citizen? Does the fact that “our citizenship is in heaven” release us from earthly responsibilities? Absolutely not! Actually, it should make us better husbands! fathers! and citizens! Here is a copy of a…
Celebrating the Love of God
Celebrating the Love of God Since our national holiday in February is Valentine’s Day, named after a pastor who died a martyr because he refused Caesar’s order to stop performing wedding ceremonies, let’s celebrate the love of God – and…
Who Will Answer?
Why Does God Allow Sickness, Sorrow, Suffering? (from an article by Charles McCoy) “… In God’s universe, we don’t get to deal the cards but we do have some say in how we play the hand we are dealt. Some…
The Power of the Glory of God
The Power of the Glory of God “Though the fig tree should not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines, the produce of the olive fail and the fields yield no food, the flock be cut off from the fold…
Political Mantra
Political Mantra (Just Preach the Gospel – Don’t Get Involved in Politics!) In our October prayer letter, I exposed and challenged some of the moral mantras of the corrupted “new morality.” This month I choose to challenge and expose a…
The Myth of Moral Relativity
The Myth of Moral Relativity Have you ever heard one or more of these over-confident statements? “It may be true for you – but it’s not true for me!” “Everything is relative – there are no moral absolutes!” “You can’t…
Holy Desperation
Holy Desperation By Dave Butts, Co-founder of Harvest Prayer Ministries, Terre Haute, IN “In a recent radio interview regarding revival in America I was asked, after 20 years of traveling and teaching on prayer in the church, if I think…
What About Our Co-Workers?
What About Our Co-Workers? We are grateful to God that they are safe! We are so very thankful that He has given them a hedge of protection! Besides being safe and well, they are scattered and serving. They are scattered…
Creation Camp in Rich Land
Creation Camp in Rich Land (The camp location was the beautiful city park on the west edge of Richland, Oregon) I had the privilege to teach eight classes at Creation Camp for Eagle Valley and Pine Valley churches in Eastern…